The Central Election Commission member Yurii Miroshnychenko opened with these words a constitutive meeting on discussion of effective directions and ways of voters’ education in Ukraine during the local elections in 2020. The meeting took place at the CEC premises on December 18, 2019.
The discussion considered the draft outline of information and awareness-raising campaign conduction among voters before the local elections 2020.
“We are interested in informing citizens, where “CITIZEN” – every letter is capital, – the owner of the country, the person who approves and implements a certain policy in the public plane,” – highlighted the meeting initiator, member of the Central Election Commission Yurii Miroshnychenko.
The International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) developed the draft outline of information and awareness-raising campaign among voters as a part of the Electoral and Legal Enhancements through Civic Engagement and Technical Assistance Program (ELECT) and the Ukraine Responsive and Accountable Politics Program (U- RAP).
“There are two worldviews – the first is the state-centric governed by the CEC, and the second one, where the state is only one of the subjects – social-centric. It is our sincere conviction that the CEC should not present with an accomplished fact but rather to appeal to the civil society without imposing its vision on a public independent organization, political party or international organization that supports one or another international project “, Yurii Miroshnychenko emphasized.
The event brought together the following experts who shared views on this point: Inna Zubar Project Manager of Council of Europe Office in Ukraine Project «Supporting the transparency, inclusiveness and integrity of electoral practice in Ukraine», Yevhen Poberezhnyi, National Elections and Governance Officer of the OSCE Project Co-ordinator, Nadiya Pashkova Senior Project Officer of IFES Ukraine, Viacheslav Lipetskyi Project Manager of International Republican Institute, Volodymyr Kondrachuk, Sector Manager of ” Elections, parliamentary development, media” of European Union Delegation to Ukraine, Iryna Smolina Project Manager (Democracy, Rights and Governance) of USAID/Ukraine, Olena Botsko Citizen Engagement Program Director of National Democratic Institute for International Affairs, Serhiy Polianski senior program officer of Pact/ENGAGE.