Yurii Miroshnychenko took part in the National Conference “Presidential and Parliamentary Elections 2019: Lessons and Recommendations”, the first day was held on November 13, 2019.
The main purpose of the event was to analyze and evaluate the conduction of two nationwide election campaigns, as well as to discuss and develop short and long-term recommendations for further strengthening and improvement of democratic conditions for the arrangements and conduction of elections in the future.
During the discussion were outlined key areas. and recommendations were given regarding three topics considering voter registration sphere:
– data updating of the state voter register (compilation, voter lists refinement, voter statements accuracy);
– procedure of temporary change of the voter’s place of election without changing the election address;
– voting right realization by citizens (voting of IDPs, servicemen, voters without registration).
The conference was continued on November 14, 2019, during which one were discussed issues of inclusivity and accessibility wich covered the following topics:
– accessibility of people with disabilities to all stages of the election process (legislative, architectural, infrastructural and institutional obstacles and ways to overcome / eliminate ones);
– representation and participation of gender groups (gender +) in political and electoral processes;
– representation and participation of national minorities in political and electoral processes;
– electoral ryghts of IDPs and other mobile citizens within the country;
– сoordination of the state voter register, local authorities by the Central Election Commission of Ukraine to ensure accessibility in elections.
At the end of the discussion, the working group participants submitted proposals and recommendations to resolve the mentioned issues.