Yuri Boyko is the candidate who can stop raising utility tariffs for the population!
This is how the People’s Deputy of Ukraine Yuriy Miroshnychenko commented on the statement on the leader of the OPPOSITION PLATFORM – FOR LIFE, presidential candidate Yuri Boiko, regarding the need to adopt a moratorium on further tariff increases.
Yuri Miroshnychenko said that in his opinion, the adoption of the moratorium is the only opportunity to prevent the deepening of the impoverishment of Ukrainians. For now, the size of communal payments for a sufficiently large percentage of the population of Ukraine, is extremely high.
“In my opinion, Yuri Boyko – the most professional and worthy of all the presented candidates. He not only proposes to lower the price of gas and write off debts for utility bills, but also offers concrete steps to achieve these goals, “the politician said.
The parliamentarian stressed that the choice of the leader of the country is the responsibility of every Ukrainian: “Voting for the person concerned, you must rely on the experience and possibilities of solving the problems that the candidate and his team are proposing.”
“Our team, headed by a presidential candidate Yuri Boyko, who is a professional in his business and who knows how to lower tariffs, bring the country out of the crisis and improve the living standards of Ukrainians,” Yuriy Miroshnychenko concluded.